Saturday, March 30, 2013

A strong immune system keeps cancer away

 Add Years-to-our-Lives: << Read this !!!

Click on links below to read inspiring stories of those who beat cancer by making big dietary changes:


What is cancer ?

Everybody has cancer cells. But for most of us, it doesn't become a problem. Why ?
Cancer occurs when normal cell division / replication occurs in some cells,  at an abnormally high rate, resulting in excess  'growth'  of unhealthy, badly formed cells. For years scientists were not sure why an apparently healthy cell would go rogue. Recent studies reveal some interesting findings.

In a healthy body, when cell replication goes wrong, that particular cell automatically dies, this is called Apoptosis. Without Apoptosis, the cells start growing in an accelerated and uncontrolled manner, turning cancerous....which explains why tumours are lumpy. Tumours can either be benign (harmless and won't spread) or malignant (dangerous and spreads - ie. metastasize )

So what keeps these early cancer cells in check?  Cancer cells are present in everyone, but in most cases our Immune System protects us by killing them off at an early stage before it spreads. But, when your Immune System is weakened (or compromised due to immuno suppressant drugs taken by transplant patients, or steroids used in some anti inflammatory medications for arthritis) then cancer the villain rises and spreads.  As well, there are several other factors that weaken one's immune system, they are discussed below.

If cancer is a criminal,  your immune system is the police. There is a strong connection between chronic inflammation and increased cancer risk. In addition to sugar and alcohol, Blood toxins are also a major cause of inflammation, which emphasises  the need to detox regularly.


In a nutshell :

  • too little rest
  • too much stress
  • too little anti-cancer nutrients
  • too much  toxins  ( pollutants / food chemicals/ house chemicals etc )
  • too little blood circulation   
 ........ increases cancer risk by weakening your immune system.

Therefore it may be useful to identify foods & lifestyle choices that fortify your immune system.


Prolonged stress suppresses your immune system ...your body's main weapon against cancer and many other diseases. Stress flushes vital minerals from your body, raises adrenalin/ cortisol, disturbs your serotonin / melatonin levels. Stress is found at work, home and social life.  Stress is the product of anger, hatred, resentment,  loathing, fear, worry, anxiety, sadness and constant excitement such as from playing computer games. Withholding anger, bitterness, obsessive worry adds to one's stress which may explain why some people who appear to be nice all the time, never been seen to be angry... often succumb to cancer. Be aware that stress can also come from not getting sufficient sleep, sleeping past 11pm, irregular sleep times due to shift work.
It's been said people who are constantly angry tend to suffer from heart / blood pressure problems, people who are nice ALL THE TIME, tend to have cancer.

Anger needs to be expressed and can be easily released by telling someone what you are angry about. Don't worry about the small stuff, they don't matter. Don't worry about the big stuff, you can't change them ..... only worry about the stuff you can change, then change it so that leaves you nothing to worry about. Stay in a good mood, don't be a prisoner of the past, laugh  (watch sitcoms !), do daily moving mindfulness meditation Tai Chi or Qigong ... aim for peace and quiet ... conditions that favour a strong immune system.   Stress is caused by focussing intensely on something too long like when trying to fix a stubborn problem, coding software, fixing a bug,  studying for exams, watching the Sock market or following the Bitcoin rollercoaster .....
 Depression, anxiety increases cancer risk << Latest report in 2017 

Get 8 hours of restful sleep. If you already have been diagnosed with cancer,  stress elimination is especially relevant. Our bodies cannot heal itself when it's constantly stressed. If obsessive thinking contributes to your stress, distract yourself by watching lots of happy TV shows, avoid hanging around people (toxic friends) who stress you etc. Remove from sight all things that remind you of stress and grief.
> Avoid stress & anxiety, get rested when recovering from cancer !


Sugar, be it added refined white or natural fruit form, suppresses the immune system POWERFULLY and immediately. Sugar is the food of cancer! Remove sugar from your diet to starve the cancer. Sugar also causes inflammation which is strongly linked to cancer. A list of inflammation causing foods can be found here.  Fruit  sugar and honey is merely sugar with a few more vitamins, minerals & some nutrients. Choose low-Glycaemic Index ( GI) fruits like peaches, pears, plums, kiwi fruit, greenish bananas, strawberries, minimise oranges, watermelons and mangos especially the juice form.
> Avoid ALL added sugar when trying to recover from cancer ! 


Alcohol suppresses the Immune System in a manner similar to sugar ... not surprising as alcohol is made from fermented sugar. Alcohol causes inflammation.


Blood has at least 2 functions amongst many others: to transport nutrients and oxygen to cells and to remove metabolic waste products and natural toxins. If blood flows well, there is no problem. If blood stagnates, toxins accumulate in hard-to-reach parts of your body, and nutrients & oxygen can't reach it.
Toxins weaken the immune system and trigger cancer growth. Blood circulation can be improved by moderate physical activity, as simple as a 20min daily brisk walk twice a day. You don't need to be lifting weights or running 5 kms to get enough good circulation. If you are sitting at a desk most of the time, you are at greater risk than if you moved around  regularly.

> Help your body stop toxin accumulation by improving blood flow !


The blood  pH of healthy people is slightly above 7, ie. slightly alkaline. In sick people, it is below 7 ie. acidic blood. When blood is slightly alkaline, the body can do what it normally does.... detox itself, kill cancer cells, heal, grow etc. When blood is acidic, it cannot carry out such maintenance and thus weakens the immune system. All meats, dairy, eggs, all grains, sugar & alcohol are acid forming. Alkalise by taking Apple Cider Vinegar or Shanxi Old Mother Vinegar, Evian / San Pellegrino mineral water or magnesium pill supplementation. and green leafy veggies. People with weak immune systems have been correlated with acidic blood.
> Alkalise when recovering from cancer treatment !

Chemicals in food and environmental pollutants

Well these means chemicals we eat or breath in unintentionally.
  • food preservatives: Anti fungal etc
  • food coloring
  • flavor enhancers
  • artificial sweeteners - Aspartame, Nutrasweet, anything labelled sugar free etc
  • hormones in meat
  • antibiotics in meat
  • pesticides on fruits and vegetables (minimize by peeling skin or washing thoroughly) 
  • powerful kitchen & bathroom detergents
  • powerful insecticides used at home
  • perfumes, most of which are made from non plant synthetic chemicals today
  •  artificial room air ' fresheners '
  • pesticide residue in fruits and veggies ( peel your apples, pears, )
  • Nail polish, Hair dye, Hair Gel, cosmetics, deodorants all contain unnatural chemicals
  • mouth wash
  • BPA plastic containers for food
  • canned food contains carcinogenic BPA
  • plastic kettles, microwaveable plastic -  the evidence is not all in, could this be the next big 'asbestos scandal'
  • Mould  (fungus) in your living areas, bath room etc
  • lead in the soil in your garden (  you can get this tested)
  • lead in your water pipes  (you can get this tested)
  • lead from traffic fumes , especially if you live near a road
  • Some prescribed medications, especially those that are taken for a long time and  known to suppress your immune system (Eg. used  in Hyperthyroidism or certain Arthritis drugs)
> Poisons weaken our immune system !

Meat, Dairy & Eggs

  • Red meat is linked to cancer
  • Burnt / charred meat is linked to cancer
  • Processed meat is linked to cancer
  • Farmed meat & eggs carry many chemicals. Organic pasture fed beef, lamb, chicken is better
  • Eat less meat, you don't need as much as you think. Fat in meat contains many environmental toxins if you have to eat meat, trim fat as much as possible
  • ALL processed meats contain many cancer causing nitrites: Bacon, Sausages, Ham, Salami & Pepperoni
  • In 2015, World Health Organization WHO, announced processed meat & red meat cause cancer
  • Burnt bits of meat cooked at barbeque are carcinogenic
  • Best ways to cook meat are stir-fry ( as in Thai & Chinese dishes), boiled in curry sauce ( Indian, Malaysian ), or  slow oven roast... these ways avoid the dangers of burnt bits or deep frying
  • Drink less milk especially when you are an adult. Dairy causes IGF-1 hormone levels to rise. IGF-1 is a double edge sword. It works with HGH ( Human Growth Hormone)  to promote tissue and muscle growth which is good, but it also promotes cancer growth. Some people promoting  IGF-1 as a bodybuilding supplement neglect to explain this.
  • When your body has lower IGF-1 levels, it switches from grow, grow, grow mode  to cell  & DNA repair more. This is how low IGF-1 correlates with lower cancer, in a nutshell.
  • Has it occurred to you that humans are the only species to drink the milk of another species, and well after infancy ? Is that really necessary ?

  •  Excess protein triggers cancer... <<<<<<<<<<<<
    Minimise all ANIMAL ( meat, milk, egg) based proteins as they contain Leucine and Methionine, 2 amino acids that encourage cancer growth.

  • Veggie based protein ( ie beans, tofu, quinoa, sweet potato etc) have significantly lower Leucine and Methionine percentages

....Red meat introduces a potentially dangerous molecule into the body tissues, according to researchers. Scientists from the University of California in San Diego believe it could cause heart disease and cancer by triggering a harmful immune response humans cannot produce the molecule - a type of sugar-but it occurs at high levels in lamb, pork and beef.

> Minimise Beef or Dairy when recovering from Cancer !


Fish - the good and the bad

  • Fish is normally a most healthy alternative to meat BUT years of coal burning resulted in our ocean fish being polluted with Methyl Mercury.  Tuna, Mackerel, Shark ( common in Fish & Chips), Whale, have higher-than-safe levels of toxic Mercury.  Is it any surprise, pregnant mothers are warned off fish ?
  • Most shell fish like crabs, lobster, sea prawns also have the same mercury contamination.
  • Opt for smaller fish (they collect less mercury) like sardines & anchovies  .... generally speaking, fish smaller than 1 foot long (30cm) tend to live closer to the surface and do not absorb sea bed mercury  
  • You can also consider fresh water fish, but you need to think about the antibiotics they pump into farmed fish !
> Eat more seafood, but choose wisely !

Animal Fat

Animal fat in meat and dairy (cheese, butter, cream) are linked to cancer. Try to replace with Mono unsaturated fats like Olive oil or Avocado oil. As well, look out for / fish oils. You want a high Omega 3 to Omega 6 ratio type of fat, as in  flaxseed, macadamia nut and walnut. They protect you from cancer, heart problems and many inflammation related illnesses such as Arthritis and MS ( Multiple Sclerosis), Alzheimer, Parkinson's Diabetes etc .

That said, the best oil for heart health, diabetes, Alzheimer's, and cancer prevention is Extra virgin Olive oil (MUFA: Mono unsaturated) sold in a dark bottle as it can be damaged by light.

PUFAs (Poly unsaturated oils ) are mostly other vegetable oils and tend to go rancid or get damaged by heat, thus making the PUFA oil inflammatory and therefore bad!
Authentic Olive oil taste bitter & peppery. If it's not or mildly out!,  Beware of food fraud, where genuine oils oils have been diluted with canola or soy oils.
>> more on Olive oil dilution here
> Cut out animal fat !.

Trans fats ( ie. fake fat )

Aka margarine. Avoid these like the plague. Trans fat do not exist in nature, they are favoured by fast food restaurants as they don't go rancid, thus lowering costs.
> Cut out Trans fat !

Deep fried foods

Deep frying causes molecular changes than turns benign healthy food into carcinogenic ones. These include potato chips and french fries, often cooked in re-used oil in MOST fast food outlets.  Some of these are re-used  over 1 week ! Acrylamide is a substance formed through a natural chemical reaction between sugars and asparagine, an amino acid, in plant-based foods – includes potato and cereal-grain-based foods. Acrylamide forms during high-temperature cooking, such as deep frying, roasting, and baking.

As well, burnt bits of meat cooked at barbeque are carcinogenic .
 Stir frying, common in many Chinese and Thai dishes, is a much better alternative to cooking than deep frying
> Cut out  Deep fried foods ! .

Cold foods

Prolonged consumption of cold drinks, beer and ice cream drives blood away from the stomach. This prevents your stomach from digesting food properly. Cold is unnatural for the stomach. How can the stomach function normally and remove toxins properly? Increase your chances of getting stomach cancer by consuming cold foods such as ice cream and cold drinks more often!
Many older folks already have decreased digestion ability, for them they should completely avoid any cold foods (sipping cold beer is acceptable....because the coldness is introduces in bits, and the stomach can warm it up in time)...unlike Ice Cream or cold fruit juice  which is gulped.

If you ate an extremely nutritious and clean meal but your stomach can only digest 30%, it's like you only ate 30% of the food. Effectively you are under nourished ....Is this why some older people have Alzheimer's, Dementia, Parkinson's and so many other  'degenerative' diseases that appear to defy a cure ? Are older people starving their brains inadvertently due to decrease digestion / absorption ?

Oldies or even younger folks with poor digestion, should eat more soup and, broth or congee, porridge where the goodness of meat / veggies are boiled into solution !  Does it surprise you that it is an ancient Chinese custom that older people eat more porridge based meals ?
  • India  165th,  China 53rd,  UK 14th, Australia 12th  and  ....... USA 2nd   !
    Spot the trend ? Who eats the least / most meat, least/ most veggies ! 
    Hint:  India is 31% vegetarian.  more stats >> here !


By now I'm sure you know why smoking causes lung cancer. Smoke deposits slow acting poisons into lung tissue, clogging it with tar, over time triggering formation of cancer cells. If you don't die of lung cancer, you may from emphysema. Tobacco weakens the immune system.


Sunlight - excessive

Sunburn and long term sun exposure not only wrinkle skin and make a 40 yo look 60, it causes skin cancer. 1 in 3 Aussies will have some sort of melanoma in their life time. 10 Aussies a day are diagnosed with it. Fortunately skin cancer is easily treated but only if detected early ....get a check up EVERY year ...especially examine your back which you are unlikely to inspect everyday.

  • MYTH: If I don't get burnt, I won't get cancer
  • MYTH:  A tan is healthy
  • MYTH: Sunblock creams protect me completely from cancer (only partially true)

Tanned skin  is damaged skin as tanning fries your skin and causes permanent cellular damage.
You are STILL in danger even if you haven't tanned in the last 10 years.... as long as you had long term exposure or were sun burnt  even ONCE, many years ago....

Some people in UK, Sweden or Germany travel to the Mediterranean or Australia for a holiday and inadvertently get  sunburn, travel back home and 5-10 years later die of skin cancer because your doctor in Europe doesn't deal with skin cancers every day and will often mis-read early presenting symptoms. If you EVER have been sunburnt  before, you need to have you skin check  every year, at least you and your partner get accurate info and learn to identify the skin lesions that you may mistake for a benign mole/ freckle....especially in parts of your body where only your partner/ lover can see your back.

If you are healthy from inside and detox regularly, your skin will glow naturally...and there's no need to hide any blemishes behind a tan! Prolonged tanning increase risk of skin cancer drastically.

10-20 mins of exposure ( arms & legs)  to sun before 10am OR after 4pm in Spring, Summer early Autumn, reduces the levels of cancer causing UV-B radiation, but still offers a good dose of NIR ( Near field InfraRed radiation) which is linked to increasing Melatonin, a powerful inhibitor of inflammation and also crucial to sleep.
> Do educate your friends and children !


Mobile phone radiation

Excessive and regular exposure to mobile phones microwave radiation correlates with brain tumours. Suggest you use a hands free set or use the speaker phone or  use the good old land line! Or how about just keeping you talk time to the bare minimum for only essential conversations, not gossip! Yes off course one reads of conflicting reports, some say mobiles are safe other take the opposite position .... but you want to be the guinea pig ? Even a separation of 1-2 cm gap from your skull will have reduced the radiation to your brain.

If there was no connection, brain cancer should be 50% on the left and 50% on the rightside of the head truly random. Eminent Australian neurosurgeon Dr. Charlie Teo says regardless of what the studies say, stats show that brain cancer seems to occur more on the same side of the head that the phone is used.  More here ! 

At work or home be aware of WiFi transmitters wherever there are wireless laptops. You want to sit at least 3 meters away from those powerful Wi-Fi transmitters mounted on the ceiling or desk level. WiFi transmitter produces higher radiation  than your laptop as they have to service several laptops and over greater distances. Keeping your home free of WiFi ( and cordless phones) may give you better peace of mind. And avoid  placing your laptop on the top-of-you-lap, the radiation from it is far too close to your testes/ ovaries. 
Be mindful where mobile phone towers are located in the street near your home. Many primary schools want to BAN such installations if they are located within 100m of the school.

Pickled vegetables

Veggies are good, but pickled ones are something else . :
Think twice before sinking your teeth into Korean delicacy like Kim Chi.  

> Cut out pickles !


Studies show that people living in areas where the soil has low levels of Selenium, have higher cancer rates. Commonly available Selenium sources are in a Chinese Medicine herb: Huang Qi (Astragalus Membranaceus), Brazil nuts, Shrimp, Sardines, Scallops & Salmon. Deficiency of Selenium weakens the immune system. Australian and UK soil is notorious for low selenium levels. Read here  and here <<<
> Take Selenium supplements when recovering from Cancer !


Vitamin A ( retinol  or beta carotene)

Vitamin A is important nutrient for keeping the Immune system strong. Best and easily available natural sources are carrots, tomatoes, sweet potato, paw paw (papaya). I personally  avoid taking synthetically manufactured Beta-carotene due to controversies around it, google it for yourself.

Vitamin C

A strong immune system is impossible if you don't have enough Vitamin C on a daily basis.
Natural sources: Kiwi fruit, Guava, Oranges, Lemons, Red Peppers, Capsicum (raw). Other sources 
Unlike many other vitamins, Vitamin C is easily damaged by heat, so keep cooking temperature low ie. not higher than boiling temperature 100celcius.

Vitamin D

Recent studies show people living in Scandinavian countries such as Norway, Sweden, Canada seem to suffer from some types of cancer not common in people living in countries in the tropics where there's much more sunlight. The connection between sunlight-produced-Vitamin D and strong immune system was made. You only need 10-15 mins exposure to sunlight on 30-40% of your body everyday. As an added bonus, Vitamin D protects you from some forms of depression and MS (Multiple Sclerosis ). In Australia,  you are provided 1 free blood test for Vitamin D every year, check with your doctor.
Getting sun behind a glass window is useless, as many glass types block UV-B needed to trigger the body's production of Vitamin D.  Most window glass block UV-B but not UV-A.
> Take Vitamin D daily when recovering from Cancer !

Vitamin E

Like A and C, Vitamin E is another important contributor to a strong immune system. Natural sources are Sunflower seed, Almonds, Spinach, Papaya ( Paw Paw), Pine nuts and Wheat germ oil. It is important to note that the optimum dosage for daily intake is controversial as it appears that high doses ie. 400 iu correlates to an increased risk in prostate cancer. 400iu capsules are commonly sold .

Until greater clarity is available, it is better to obtain Vitamin E from natural sources in lower dosages ie. 20-30iu a day. Olive oil is a good source of Vitamin D, suggest you consume 1-2 tablespoons a day if you are not getting Vit E from anything else.

Green / Jasmine tea

Some wonder why Japanese men have lower lung cancer rates despite their smoking rates being as high as other places. Well they drink lots of Green tea and eat a bit of tofu EVERY DAY. For thousands of years, Chinese have been using green tea to detoxify. Green tea strengthens the immune system by neutralizing some toxins via EGCG ( Epigallocatechin gallate ) antioxidant action.

  • Western black tea ( Eg. English breakfast, Darjeeling, Earl Grey etc ) are also good, but not as good as green tea. Do keep in mind the benefits of black tea are lost when taken with milk.
  • Green tea is very strong ( and prolonged excess may impair digestion and cause stomach problems etc due to its excessive Yin / cooling effect ), and traditionally one does not drink more than 1-2 cups a day.  This is a fundamental teaching in Chinese medicine.
  • Jasmine tea is 80% Green + Jasmine flower and one can consume 4-6 cups a day without affecting stomach function.
  • Green tea is known to reduces Glutamine levels, cancer cells need Glutamine to thrive

> Drink 1-2 cups green tea or 2-3  jasmine tea daily especially when recovering from cancer !


Some anti-nutrients trigger autophagy, apoptosis and kills cancer cells <new !>

  • Glucosinolates (Sulforaphane) in cruciferous veggies
    (broccoli, broccoli sprouts, brussels sprouts, cabbage) 
  • Lectins in legumes, raw tomato, raw cucumber

  • Phytates (phytic acid) in whole grains, seeds, legumes, some nuts 
  • Saponins in legumes, whole grains, quinoa 
  • Tannins in tea, coffee, legumes  
Sulforaphane and its effects on Cancer, Mortality, Aging, Brain, Heart Disease

.... details about Anti-nutrients here <<
.... details about the power of Broccoli Sprouts here <<


Eat more veggies, fruits and  less meat & dairy

Mom was right. Countless studies show vegetables neutralize the bad effects of meat. You need 5-7 servings (bowls) of veggies a day. Veggies strengthens the immune system. Make sure you include 5 of the following, lightly cooked: 
Cabbage, broccoli, brussel sprouts, buk choy, kale, choy sum, spinach, silver beet, mustard greens / collards ( gai choy) tomato (unless you have arthritis), cooked carrots, beans, capsicum, asparagus, pumpkin, bitter melon and only a small amount of garlic and onion. Lettuce is pretty much useless as a nutrition source as it is 90% water. Avoid fruit juices due to excessive sugar & acidity which rots your teeth and dampens  immune system. Eat your fruits but juice your veggies. 

Fruits especially low sugar fruits contain heaps of vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals that protect from cancer. Best to include apples, peaches,pears, plums,  organic strawberry, avocado, grape fruit
Other fruits ( with a bit more sugar ) are raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, kiwi, mango.

I recommend using the newer type of juicer ( NutriBullet / Nutri Ninja/ Nutri Infusion  etc ), the type that DOES NOT separate the juice from the fibre as the chopping blades work so well the fibre is so small you can drink it. Fibre is very good food for gut microbiome ( ie pre-biotic)  and contains many other nutrients.

Some very special 'yukky tasting' cruciferous vegetables :
Kale has been touted as a super food recently, but be aware some kale varieties also absorb an abnormal amount of Thallium, a known heavy metal carcinogen. But kale that's grown on Thallium free soil, is OK.

...... If your goal is to live long and be healthy it’s better to have lower IGF-1 levels, achieved by eating a more plant-based, less meat and dairy based diet. The idea is to keep blood sugar levels stable, which means less insulin release. These are the key principles in the low GL diet.
  Dr Michael Greger spent years researching for diets that prevent chronic diseases, read it here:

Added Bonus : Veggie juices ' may cut Alzheimer's risk ' by 76%.  Read here <

A word about eating Indian

    Beans, pulses, legumes are vegetables and a good source of contain protein, fibre as well as vitamins and minerals. Many Hindus in India are vegetarian and remain fairly big and  healthy unlike some vegetarians in the West and China, who are often sickly and thin.  Flatulence a common problem in the West for bean-eaters, can rest assured that flatulence does not happen when beans are well cooked.
    Consider adopting  ( even if partially ) an Indian vegetarian  diet.... consult Indian vegetarian friends who must look healthy to you.

    When eating a low meat diet be careful to supplement with Vitamin B12 ( sublingual), Zinc and Iron, stuff not found in abundance in vegetables.
    Tumeric, a root belonging to the Ginger family is used by some for cancer prevention due to it active ingredient Cucumin. Tumeric is a common component of curry powder ( a mixture of several spices ), and you can eat this by itself  without eating curry.

Constipation, urination & sweating

All 3 bodily functions remove toxins naturally. If you don't move bowels at least once or twice a day or drink enough water, toxins accumulate in your gut (colon) and blood respectively. Toxins trigger cancer. More vegetable fibre ensures you won't have constipation. Drink 7-8 glasses of water a day and if the color of your urine is darker than Chardonnay, it means you haven't consumed enough H2O. Insufficient bowel movement, pissing and sweating allow toxins to accumulate in the blood which then weakens the immune system.


Some observations:
Cancer, heart disease and diabetes rate is higher :
  • in last 50 years than 100 years ago,
    when there was less food chemicals, environmental toxins, processed & fast foods
  • in western countries in far Northern Europe and N America and Southern hemisphere  Australia/ NZ, where meat consumption is much higher, veggie consumption much lower than poorer countries.
  • ...and where 12-month sun is lacking 
  • in younger people in the last 50 years, than young people from 100 years ago

More research material:

Information about Alzheimer's

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